
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Release & Reading

Hey! Let me start out with this:

Yep, that's right! I have a new Christmas tale available this week. This novella is about Noel and Natala. Noel is a widower who happens to have the worst luck during the festive season. Natala is an imp trapped inside a Christmas light. When they get together, their adventure in love begins. Except, there's that pesky demon they need to deal with first...

I had a great time writing this tale, and I think a sequel's in the works. Yeah, it's inside my head. But before that, check this one out and let me know what you think. Just click on the cover if you'd like to know more.

Well, like I've mentioned before, this December is proving to be a muddled one for me. I'm a little here, a little there, and pretty much all over the place. I can't seem to focus on the one writing project, and instead am doing a little of everything. But the one thing I'm finding it very easy to focus on at the moment is reading.

It's no secret that I love to read. I like to get through at least 52 books each year. This year I've fallen behind because of all of my own stuff. Still, I'm catching up.

These are the books I've read during the last week:

They were all awesome! I just love having a great 'reading run'.

Yesterday I started reading this book, and got 100 pages in. It's not what I expected it, but that's a great thing.

Happy reading and writing everyone! Oh, and because I'll post again after it's all done:




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