
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Has a Book Affected You?

The winner of Nina Pierce's The Healer Garden is Rebekah. Please email Nina at ninaATninapierceDOTcom for your prize. Congrats!And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Over on the Romance Divas, a bunch of Divas were chitchatting about the Anne Rice thing. One of them mentioned an experience she had years ago, after she'd read a series of Anne Rice books, back-to-back. In a nutshell, she felt like some kind of dark energy was coming from the books and was affecting her. Not only did she feel that way, but she said a friend of hers had a similar experience.

Books can be very powerful, and affect people in so many different ways. Which is why I felt compelled to ask--has any book affected you in some way? I'm not just looking for supernatural/creepy kinds of things like the example above, but any way a book touched you in a memorable or meaningful way.

One example I can state from my own life would be--after reading Christine Warren's Fantasy Fix, I had a light bulb moment and was inspired to write sassy, fun erotic fiction. Out of that light bulb moment, an entire career has blossomed. That book affected me, and my life and my family's future.

What about you? Has a story impacted your career, a personal relationship or your health?

Wicked-Hot Erotic Fiction


Blogger Robin S. said...

Hi Tawny-

I'm a regular on EE's blog- and I'm going through his archives, looking for the original minions.

Can you email me, please, on the email on my profile? We are working on a surprise for EE.

It would be much appreciated.


February 26, 2008 at 6:16 PM  

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