
Friday, February 29, 2008

THEY LIVE by Raine Weaver

First of all—many thanks to the Dark Divas for inviting me to guest-blog. It’s my first time, and I’m very honored. Thank you!

So, the rumor is that Vampires are dead and buried.
Of course, literally they always WERE, except for when they were working the graveyard shift and tossing back a pint or two.
But according to agents, editors, and scores of satiated readers, they’re no longer interested in Vampires. They’ve had their fill of Vampires, the market is saturated with Vampires, and no one—NO ONE—is actively looking for Vampire stories.

And that was fine with me. I’d written a werewolf here, an incubus there, but never had any interest in writing vamps…
That is, until last week, when I started writing a story on a whim.
A Vampire story.
What can I say? I think I’m in love.

The fact that Vampires are sexy isn’t news to me. I’ve read the books, seen the films. But creating one from scratch, crafting his looks, history, personality, and sexual inclinations—oh, yes. I was HOOKED. What’s more fun than giving life to a fantasy for yourself?!

And then there’s that sucking thing. I don’t care how you try to rationalize it, sucking is HAWT. Combine the act of sucking with the piercing of the body and certain deft movements of the hips…and oh my, my. Trust me. Vampires are definitely NOT dead.

The next time you hear that the Vampire genre is over and done, don’t believe it for a minute. It may retreat into the mists a bit, may become more cross-genre, more selective—but trust me. Vampires are just too bloody sexy to die.
And the next time anyone tells me they’re passé, I’m going to suggest that they bite me.

Raine Weaver
Raine's Secret Garden
Southern Fried Chicas

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Blogger Suzanne said...

Kristin Nelson's blog has some info on what editors are saying about vampire stories. Read down a few of her latest posts. She's in New York for a couple of months meeting editors every day and getting their take on what's hot. They're divided on the vampire question. Some say bring it on and others don't want to see another vampire submission. So, go with the first group.

February 29, 2008 at 12:32 PM  
Blogger Emma Petersen said...

Hey Raine! Welcome to DotD! I love vampire stories. I love reading them and writing them. I think as long as the story isnt the same old same old an editor would be interested.

February 29, 2008 at 12:49 PM  
Blogger Savanna Kougar said...

Raine, 'Just too bloody sexy to die' I have to kiss-that-dark-and-handsome vamp agree with you. I've never submitted a vamp story, but I have a few in the WIP hopper that I'd luv to finish, and submit somewhere???

February 29, 2008 at 3:15 PM  
Blogger raine said...

Hi, Suzanne, good to see you here!

I suppose, like everything else, it depends. On the style, the storyline, etc.
But it is good to hear that some are saying bring it on.

February 29, 2008 at 10:52 PM  
Blogger raine said...

Thank you, Emma, for inviting me!

I hope you're right about the story. There's something about this one I really, really like.
Nothing to do with the hunky hero, I'm sure. ;)

February 29, 2008 at 10:54 PM  
Blogger raine said...

Savanna---go for it!!
I've never subbed one either, but I can testify that writing one is pretty durn yummy. :D

February 29, 2008 at 10:56 PM  
Blogger TJ Michaels said...

Welcome to DotD! I'm a vampire addict myself. While my guys aren't dead, never have been dead, walk in the sunlight, etc., they are damned sexy and make me wish I had one at home! As for the genre being washed up and shipped out? I honestly don't think so. I think as long as there is a fascination with the paranormal, vamps will be around in one way or another.

I just started edits on my 3rd vamp book in the Vampire Council of Ethics series, and when I mentioned to my editor that I was kicking around another idea for a next book (book 3 was going to be the end), her response was -- BRING IT ON!


March 1, 2008 at 7:43 AM  
Blogger raine said...

I mentioned to my editor that I was kicking around another idea for a next book (book 3 was going to be the end), her response was -- BRING IT ON!

Oh that's good to hear, lol!
I'd honestly never planned to write vampires, but this story has it's teeth--er, hooks in me. ;)

Thanks, TJ (and that is SUCH a gorgeous cover).

March 1, 2008 at 9:07 AM  
Blogger Evie Byrne said...

I've been exactly where you are, Raine.

Last year I was hearing that the vampire market was saturated, that nobody wanted them. More, I'd never even considered writing a vamp tale, but once I got the idea, I was seduced. I couldn't stop writing, even though all along I was telling myself it was a bad idea.

But so far, so good. I've sold the first of trilogy of vamp stories to Samhain--it comes out late this year. The second is done and fingers are crossed, and writing the third looks to be unavoidable.

So as you see, I've put a lot of eggs into the vampire basket. Talk of the genre being dead and buried definitely me gives me shivers.

But I figure you have to write what you love, and I adore my family of vamps, just as you love your hero.

I try to keep faith in two things: one, that there will always be a core readership of vampire fans, and two, that a good story never goes out of style.

Best of luck with your baby!

Evie Byrne

March 1, 2008 at 10:23 AM  
Blogger Tawny Taylor said...

Hi Raine! Welcome to our humble little blog. I'm with you on the vamps. I haven't found another paranormal that's as yummy. Absolutely scrumptious. Enjoy! And here's hoping you have no trouble finding it a publisher once it's done.

Me, I'm still writing vamps. I had one release in Jan. and another in May. Like Evie, I'm hoping a good story will always find a publisher, no matter what genre/subgenre it is.

March 1, 2008 at 12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suzanne it seems that UF editors want it and romance editors don't.

Raine...girl...you TOTALLY Crack me up and if anyone can do a kickassedly deliscious vampire you can!

March 1, 2008 at 2:07 PM  
Blogger raine said...

I try to keep faith in two things: one, that there will always be a core readership of vampire fans, and two, that a good story never goes out of style.

I hope you're right, Evie!
It'd break my heart if I went ahead with this and couldn't find a home for it.
But sounds like it's working for you! ;)

March 1, 2008 at 5:47 PM  
Blogger raine said...

Thanks for the welcome, Tawny.

I sure hope you're right about the vamps--and yes, I'd agree. Uber-sexy stuff!

March 1, 2008 at 5:51 PM  
Blogger raine said...

Thanks for dropping by, Ames!

And yeah, I see that vamps and UF are hot at the moment (with a liberal sprinkling of romance).
Flexible folks, these nightwalkers. ;)

March 1, 2008 at 5:57 PM  

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