
Friday, March 28, 2008

Brought to You by the Letter D By Barrie Abalard

Yes, my kid grew up on Sesame Street…

Before I go any further, I want to thank Divas of the Dark for allowing me to guest blog. You gals rock!

I was thinking about what to write today, when I was struck by how many fun words begin with “D”—for example, Divas and Dark. As a writer, I have a love affair with words, and I think those who love to read feel at least some of the same affection for them.

So, let’s meditate on the letter “D” for a moment.

When thinking about “D”, I came up with Delectable (as in, delectable cheesecake), Divine (as in, divine chocolate), Dirty (as in, dirty sex), and Deep.

Deep is how a lot of us would describe our favorite stories. Deep is rich, complex, even complicated (as in complicated heroes and heroines). Deep is overflowing with emotional power and love and passion. Deep is not superficial—deep extends well inward from the surface, and deep pushes boundaries. Deep is mysterious—and who doesn’t want a little mystery in their romances? Deep can also mean a low-pitched, sexy voice—mmm, Barry White, anyone?

In short, a good story has deep, complex characters, emotional depth, and a little bit of mystery, too, whether it’s the darkest of paranormals, or the lightest of romantic comedies.

The letter “D” also stands for the hero of my latest book, “Hot to Trot”. Dylan Decker is handsome, brilliant, self-made wealthy, and irritatingly alpha. Is it any wonder that his ex, Patti North, can’t resist him? As you may have guessed, it’s not a dark story, but a wry tale of two exes who can’t stand each other, but who must have each other, in the bedroom and out. “Hot to Trot” will be available April 1 from Loose-Id. I’ll be posting an excerpt on the Loose-Id author’s blog tomorrow (http://looseidauthors.blogspot.com).

I hope I’ve given you some food for thought —and thanks again to Divas of the Dark for giving me the space to blog!

Barrie Abalard

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Blogger Emma Petersen said...

Loved your post, Barrie. It was delightful. Hehe. I used to have a love affair with words but the relationship became stagnant and I left words for another. Hehe. I'm sure sooner or later we'll rekindle our love affair but until then...

My favorite D would is Dexter. That's a name actually but I still like it.

March 28, 2008 at 5:39 AM  

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