
Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Home for Paranormal Erotic Romance

I recently learned that one of our fellow authors is creating a business targeted toward the Paranormal Erotic Romance genre. This is awesome because while there are plenty of romance-centric blogs and such, there are few sites dedicated to paranormal erotic romance. So I caught up with my bud, Mari LaCroix and got all in her business for a minute. And she was so cool about it, that she gave me the okay to share our IM (instant message) chat with ya'll...

TJ MICHAELS: Hey Mari! Thanks for letting us be the first to spill the beans, er, spread the love, about the new site for paranormal erotic authors. Actually, I'm just nosey and you're being really nice to me! So, give up the scoop, girl, and tell us about what you're doing.
Marianne LaCroix: Thanks for asking me to join you. As an author of the genre, I have noticed that there was no real "place" for us to gather and be appreciated.
PNR is wonderful, but the fact is that many ebooks, especially erotic paranormals, are neglected.
Marianne LaCroix: I thought, why not make a spot for paranormal erotic novels? So, paranormalerotica.com was born.

TJ MICHAELS: You know, you've got a point there. There are plenty of blogs out there by authors of paranormal erotic romance, but very few review sites or sites dedicated solely to what we write.
Marianne LaCroix: Exactly!
TJ MICHAELS: I've visited the prototype of the paranormalerotica.com site and it's absolutely gorgeous! When is the launch date?
Marianne LaCroix: It was the 14th, but I had to push back to the 24th of March due to a family illness. We are supposed to visit my father in law who had a heart transplant over Thanksgiving last year. This will be our first time seeing him since that very stressful event.
Marianne LaCroix: On the 24th I plan on having a lovely launch with authors posting excerpts on the site and the beginning of the POEs nominations, a paranormal erotica awards of excellence.
TJ MICHAELS: Goodness, woman. Sounds like you're doing what most of us have to all too often - juggle. Sorry to hear of your dad-in-law’s illness. But glad to hear you gave yourself some time to get your launch ready. It looks like a big undertaking and a lot of work has gone into this, yes?
Marianne LaCroix: It is a lot of work, but I am taking my time to make sure things are up and working before opening to taking members, etc. I enjoy it.
TJ MICHAELS: You're having a launch party? Really?
Marianne LaCroix: Yes, of course!
TJ MICHAELS: How can we participate, both authors and readers alike?
Marianne LaCroix: I encourage readers and authors to come by the YahooGroup and chat while we have authors post to the site.
Marianne LaCroix: Some HOT excerpts!
TJ MICHAELS: Well, you know I'll be sending MINE in! What's the address of the Yahoo Group loop?
Marianne LaCroix: Let me get it for you…
Marianne LaCroix: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/paranormal_erotica/
Marianne LaCroix: And yes, authors are welcome to promo on the group
TJ MICHAELS: Cool! A bit off the subject, do you have any new or recent releases out?
Marianne LaCroix: I am awaiting word for my paperback release of PIRATE'S MISTRESS at Elloa's Cave. It includes Crossed Swords, my recent RT Top Pick. That still floors me, by the way.
Marianne LaCroix: Then in May I am part of the EC/Pocket antho, ROYAL BONDAGE which includes Scorpion King. No one was more surprised than me when it was picked for the antho.
TJ MICHAELS: Royal Bondage, eh? Girl, don't give me any ideas *tj fanning frantically* This is a bit on the spot, but can you give me a quick blurb on Scorpion King?
TJ MICHAELS: Or the link to where we can find it?
Marianne LaCroix: Oh wow...eh....
Marianne LaCroix: yeah let me link you up…
Marianne LaCroix: http://www.mariannelacroix.com/books_paranormal.html#scorpionking
TJ MICHAELS: Perfect! Okay, skipping around a bit - my kids tell me I'm a gnat ‘cause gnats don't fly straight, ya know. But, what is a POE award?
Marianne LaCroix: POE is the ParanOrmal Erotica Award for excellence. We will be taking nominations on opening day
TJ MICHAELS: Anyone can vote?
Marianne LaCroix: Anyone can vote. It will all be guarded against ballot stuffing, etc. I'm the originator of the LoveRomances Golden Rose contest, so I have experience in doing this.
TJ MICHAELS: So all you authors, get your VOTE FOR TJ, uh, voting signs out!
Marianne LaCroix: There are so many great erotic paranormals out there, and they need to be recognized.
Marianne LaCroix: yeah yeah...you're shameless! LOL!
TJ MICHAELS: Thanks for your time, Mari. Have a safe trip to your dad-in-law’s...and I promise not to ask for any VOTE FOR TJ buttons to be placed on the new website *wink*
Marianne LaCroix: Thanks for having me and I look forward to everyone dropping by paranormalerotica.com on a regular basis!
TJ MICHAELS: I'll be there for sure, with bells on, darlin' !
Marianne LaCroix: :D

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