
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Writing & Selkie Skin

Hi guys! Well, I'm going to start with the winner of the contest I held last week. And the winner is: rebekah. Yay! Congrats, Rebekah. Send me an email to yolanda@yolandasfetsos.com, and let me know which of my eBooks you'd like, as well as what format you'd prefer. :)

Thanks so much to everyone who commented. It's cool to share goals, and I hope you all meet them.

The last week has been filled with a bunch of new words and edits. I've hardly had any time to read the books I'm so eager to get stuck into. :/ But still, maybe things will slow down a little from now on. Can you believe Easter is just around the corner? I'm looking forward to having a four-day weekend with the hubby and daughter.

So, in between everything else that needs to be done, I've now written 19,215 words on the BIAM I'm taking part in. This story's a little different to anything I've written before. I mean, sure, the dark edge is still there and so is the paranormal slant... but it feels different. Maybe it's because it's a futuristic novella. I'm not sure, but it's still a lot of fun and I'm really finding my groove now.

Before I forget, on March 14, my first Whispers eBook will be released. This is the tale that placed third in their Seven Wonders of the World Contest last year.

Here's the cover:

Sometimes, an attraction to a stranger can awaken a secret spark deep inside.

It's a very sexy cover, thanks to Rene. As as you can tell, the Wonder of the World that I chose was the Sydney Opera House. There it is in the background. This is a paranormal romance tale about a Selkie. I love the myth behind this mythological creature, and once I chose this location, they both fit so well together. Marisa and Dylan's story was a lot of fun to write.

If you'd like to check it out, you can go here. This Friday's the day. In May, it will also be released in print. As part of an anthology, with the other stories that placed in this contest.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you all have a wonderful week.




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