
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things to do & A change of plans...

Yikes! That's quite a long title, isn't it? But you know, I feel like I've been changing my writing plans every single week for the last two months. No, hold on a sec, I have! Lol. You see, I decided that although writing a bunch of first drafts is super awesome -- because my muse loves to dish out the stories and I love to write them -- it doesn't quite get the project/s finished.

So, I decided to stop writing anything new in May (I think) to concentrate on revisions. Of course, the revisions involved several short stories, a long novella and two novels. I wanted to get this all done by the end of June. And you know, I'm currently working on the last thing on my to-do list, so it's not too bad. I'm now more than halfway through the final draft of my 86k novel. It's great, I'm really caught up in it... but I'm also doing edits at the same time. Yeah, I know, sometimes I even wonder where I find the time.

This week's going to be super busy, but I hope to have both edits and the revision completed by Friday night. One edit has already been done and emailed back to my editor, and I've already started the other one. I actually really enjoy the editing stage, it really helps make the story shine, doesn't it?

Anyway, cross your fingers for me.

Now, this brings me to the second bit of my post. I honestly thought that July would be my writing-something-long-and-new month, but I just realised that my daughter goes on her two week break at the end of next week. Okay. Since it would be totally insane for me to embark on writing a new novel while she's home, I've decided to push it back another month. It looks like August will be the month. Still, I do intend on writing a few shorties next month.

So, I have a question - do you plan your writing projects by the week, month or just as they pop up? Please, do tell. Oh, and what do you do when other stuff arrives as well? :D




Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I have a question - do you plan your writing projects by the week, month or just as they pop up? Please, do tell. Oh, and what do you do when other stuff arrives as well? :

Well, I have a 500 word minimum I set for myself everyday. If I make it I make it if I fall short, I'm still happy because I at least put my fingers to the keyboard. When other stuff arrives, which actually happened to me last month and the month before. I found I need to set up a system for that since I'm new to this and I allowed myself to be sucked in and could only grind away on those stories. But, I guess you feel sort of obligated since those are contracted pieces.

June 27, 2008 at 4:16 AM  
Blogger Cynthia Eden said...

Hi, Yolanda!

Congrats on making so much progress with your editing!

For me, I try to stick to one project at a time (try--I usually fail, though). :-)

June 27, 2008 at 9:52 AM  
Blogger Ericka Scott said...

I try to plan out my writing...right now I'm on a self-imposed deadlined to get a novel (full-length) finished by the end of July (snort) so I can pimp it at RWA Nationals.

After that, I have a couple of novella ideas fementing in my brain that I started to write and they just didn't quite "work". So after this novel is done, I'm back to novellas.

As to edits, when they come in, I drop everything else and get them done ASAP. I edit a bit on the side, and chasing authors for edits is NOOOOO fun!

June 27, 2008 at 11:00 AM  
Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Hi Koko! Thanks for answering. It's always a good idea to have a minimum amount to aim for. :)

Thanks Cynthia. Yeah, I know what you mean. It gets harder and harder to stay with one project at a time.

Hi Ericka! Thanks for your answer. I like to stay on top of my edits, too. I don't like them hanging around and want to get them done ASAP. Good luck with the novel you're writing.

July 2, 2008 at 3:08 AM  

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