
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Novella Challenge & Robot Chicken

How's your week going? Mine's been pretty busy. And man, is it going fast! Yikes. I almost missed my day because I didn't realise it was here already. That's why I'm late.

This week, I'm taking part in another writing challenge. I know, I can't help myself. If there's a challenge, I find it very hard to resist. The aim of the game is to write a novella during the month of August. Since I've written several novels within that time-frame before, I'm attempting to write a 30k novella, but in much less time than a month. Personally, I would like to have it finished by tomorrow afternoon. It doesn't look like that's going to happen, but maybe by Monday/Tuesday, is a better goal.

Right now I'm sitting at 16,327, but I haven't added anything new today. Yet. Here's hoping I can cross the 20k mark tonight. Now that would be awesome. The way the ideas and everything's fitting together, if I had the time to just sit until it's finished, I would. :)

On a separate subject, does anyone watch Robot Chicken? OMG. The hubby and I just watched ROBOT CHICKEN: STAR WARS and it was hilarious! These guys are so talented, coming up with these stories was awesome. I'm so glad we watched it, and I hope they make more. Bring us more. Seth Green totally rocks!




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