
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Taking a Breath & Still Reading

Well, after last week's success with NaNoWriMo, I decided that this week would consist of small tasks. All writing-related, of course. But, with no pressure attached. And you know what? I think it's a great idea. I've had a chance to relax and take a deep breath while my daughter's still at school. Yeah. Summer holidays start in just over two weeks. So, that means that my relaxation time gets cut dramatically.

Anyway, I wanted to share the two books I've read since the last time I posted:

I'm lovin' the fact that all the books I've been reading lately are SO darn excellent! These two were fantastic as well. I intended to take my time with THE HOST because it's such a big book and I wanted to absorb every single detail... but I couldn't. I became obsessed with reading a little more, and then a little more. Until it became all that I wanted to do all day. It's the same crazed-reading-frenzy I went on earlier this year. Remember that I read the TWILIGHT SAGA in under two weeks? Obsessed.

I LOVED everything about Stephenie Meyer's novel and can't wait until her next one. Actually, I think I'll have to read the unfinished MIDNIGHT SUN. Just because I love her writing so much. :) If you haven't read THE HOST, I highly recommend it. Don't be put off by the size of it. It's truly worth every single page. What an amazing story.

And speaking of amazing. TITHE: A Modern Faerie Tale. I read it in less than two days because once again, it got under my skin. I got sucked into Kaye's story instantly. What a lovely, yet very dark, gritty, and edgy story. I love when faeries are portrayed this way. Honestly. Fantastic! So good that I had to order the next two online last night even before I'd finished TITHE. Wow.

This is what I grabbed off my bookshelf today:

I'm fifty pages in and really enjoying it so far. Bring on the faeries I say! ;) It just makes me want to get stuck into one of my darker faerie ideas. All the characters are cast, notes have been taken... just need to write it. But not yet.

Anyway. Next week will be a different story for me because I intend to get stuck into the final revision for one of my urban fantasy novels. Not sure if I'll have as much time to read as I do at the moment either, but it's all good.

So, have you made any plans for December? Or are you taking it easy? Do share.



Blogger Cynthia Eden said...

Yolanda, I gave in and read Midnight Sun. And, you see, I was particularly bad, because I haven't read the other books yet. :-( I saw the movie, though, and come home with this big urge to read Edward's POV. Buying Twlight is on my list, though! And now you've got me wanting the Host.

December 4, 2008 at 7:47 PM  
Blogger Ericka Scott said...

December is such a rush...kid's parties, adult parties, recitals, school presentations....I'm going to be lucky if I get the novella I'm working on finished and submitted to my editor by the end of next week so that I can take a few days "off".

My daughter is devouring the Twilight series...she's getting book 3 for Christmas. I'll get around to reading them once I've worked through my own staggering TBR pile.

December 5, 2008 at 2:06 PM  
Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Lol Cynthia. I've been itching to read it too. Still haven't though. Just need to find the time. But I'm definitely a Stephenie Meyer fan. It's funny that up until a few months ago, I hadn't read any of her books, and now I've read ALL of them. :)

Ericka, I hope you get your novella finished. I know what you mean about December. For some reason, everything seems to move slower this time of the year. :/

December 10, 2008 at 6:06 PM  

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