
Monday, February 2, 2009

Small Conferences vs. Big Conferences

I'm the conference chair for my local RWA group's 2010 Silken Sands Conference. That means I'm busy planning for workshops, getting speakers, doing agendas--and all that fun stuff. As I'm planning for the conference, I'm also scheduling my trip to the RT convention.

So, with so much conference info running through my mind, I'm wondering...what kind of conference setting do you prefer? Do you like the smaller (say 100 or less attendees) events? Or do you prefer a big event like the RWA National Convention?

I think both types have pros and cons. In a smaller setting, you can have a chance for more one-on-one time with editors and agents. In the big events, you have the chance to meet more folks--thus more writers, more editors, etc.

If you're a bit of an introvert, I could definitely see a preference for the smaller event. And, of course, smaller events save you money--generally, you can drive to a small conference because it's close by and you don't have to pay the high convention costs.

But...please tell me your thoughts. What do you like better--the small conference or the big event? Why?


Blogger Edie Ramer said...

It's hard to choose. Smaller, because they're cosier. You get to know a large group of people better than you did before the conference. Also, it's easier to get appointments with the agents/editors.

But I loved meeting my friends from all over at National. And I got to hook up with new friends.

I didn't love the price of National. If you're watching your money, then I'd say go to the smaller conferences.

February 2, 2009 at 12:56 PM  
Blogger Cynthia Eden said...

All excellent points, Edie!

February 2, 2009 at 1:08 PM  

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