
Monday, February 16, 2009

What makes a keeper?

Ah, the immortal question. What is it about a book that earn it a slot on your keeper shelf? I was thinking about this topic because two new books have recently earned their happy way onto my keeper shelf. :-) So, I thought I might list a quick 5 reasons for why a book is a keeper:

1. I can't put the book down. I will skip food and sleep to get reading because the story is that good.

2. I consider swapping my husband for the hero. You know...cause the hero is so awesome.

3. The pacing awes me. There is never a moment of down time--go, go, go!

4. I cry, in the good way. :-)

5. I don't want the book to end--ever.

Those are my keeper reasons...wanna share yours?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A keeper? The characters stay with you long after you have read the book - Colin & Emily! YaY!

As soon as you have gulped it down you want to do a re-read to savour all the nuances.

You want to pimp it to friends, family, colleagues, anyone!

February 16, 2009 at 11:28 AM  
Blogger Cynthia Eden said...

Oh, when I want to pimp a book to others, that's definitely reason for keeper status! :-) Thanks, Willa!

February 16, 2009 at 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good craft...I hate a poorly written book. The hero has to be likeable. I once read a book where the hero was such an butthole and DID NOTHING to redeem himself...it sucked. The heroine isn't a whiney girl. And there is a danger element.

That's what i love in a book.

February 18, 2009 at 9:19 AM  
Blogger Cynthia Eden said...

LOL, all good reasons, Sable!

February 18, 2009 at 7:21 PM  

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