
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bits & Pieces

Firstly, I'd like to let you know that I'm taking part in the Fool For Romance Contest sponsored by Crystal-Rain Love. She's a fellow upcoming ImaJinn Books author and this contest sounds like a lot of fun. There are a bunch of prizes to be won from a whole lot of different authors. It's open until the end of the month, so if you take part, good luck!

I'm not sure if you've all heard the news yet, but Forbidden Publications will be closing at the end of the month. I know, it's really sad to hear that the reason is because of Rene's health. Rene's been great to work with and I'll miss FP, but I wish her all the best in the future and hope that she's able to get her health back on track.

That means that I'll have 7 homeless stories by the end of March - 4 already published and 3 contracted. The good news is that one of the contracted-but-not-published stories has been contracted by Tease Publishing. So, FOREVER THOR'S will be available as part of their Pantheon line sometime this year. :) Yay!

Not sure what I'll do with the others, but I think a few of them should be able to find new homes. At least, I hope they do. Lol.

Well, real life has offered a bunch of changes lately too. Hubby's work schedule has changed and we're back to early starts and home by mid-afternoon. I love it! It's so much better than the all day/night shift we've been living through the last year. I'm more productive when I get a chance to do writing-related stuff before my daughter wakes up and while she's at school.

This'll really help with the novel revision I'm currently working on. I've passed the halfway point and would love to get it done by the end of the month... which happens to be next week, doesn't it?

Well, I just thought I'd list a few things that have been going on in my life. I hope you all have a great day!



Blogger K. said...

Good luck with finding homes for your stories, Yolanda! And, yay, on making it to the halfway point in your novel. I'm jealous -- wish I was there... ;-)

March 19, 2009 at 12:55 PM  
Blogger Ericka Scott said...

Good luck with finding a home for your books! Glad one has already been contracted!

It's always great when a schedule works out -- glad you are enjoying more time with your hubby too. Lots of "research" time for your own happily ever after!

March 20, 2009 at 10:27 AM  

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