
Thursday, July 31, 2008

So Glad It's Thursday!

I was on the radio last night with Mandy Roth and Michelle Pillow on the Raven Vampire Radio Show last night. It was a hoot! Gia Dawn (she writes cool books for Samhain) was on, too. Get the four of us together in the same room and we just take over the world!

I did spend some time talking about the release of Hatsept Heat (which came out on Tuesday. (To purchase, Visit Samhain Publishing ), but we spent more time cracking up and being bad than anything else. Geesh, no surprise there ;D

To listen to the show, click HERE --> BlogTalk Raven Radio.

Meanwhile, I'm at work sitting in a training class. I've been teaching all week and asked another staff member to come in and touch on a subject that she's an expert at. So, I'm sitting here listening to her talk to my students while I write this blog. Class is over this afternoon - I have to give the students an exam first.

And when the day is over, I'm gonna count down to FRIDAY!!!!

I've been getting back to the next Vampire Council of Ethics story - it's Alaina Bixler and Shale Krulm's tale. But I just can't think of a name for it. So, I'm just going to forget about it for now, and get on with the story. I've been jumping back and forth between working on the outline and actually writing. There's this song by India.Arie called 'Brown Skin' that just makes me all hot and bothered. You can bet I'll be listening to it as I write the steamy lovin'.

O, and in case you don't remember, Shale Krulm almost got his butt kicked by Bix in Carinian's Seeker when he spoke to Carin out of turn. But it's years later and now...HE'S FREAKING HOT!!!

Talk later!

And don't forget that HATSEPT HEAT came out on Tuesday! Woo!


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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Word count & Reviews

Well, I've just finished the revision for one of my short stories. It always feels great when I can finally say, it's done! Of course, for someone as fussy - and with the really bad habit of double checking everything - as me, a story is never really done. Lol. I could revise and edit a story a thousand times, if I didn't limit myself. :D

Anyway, this is what my ytd word count looks like now -- 207,044.

I've gotten some really cool reviews lately, and I wanted to share a few of my faves:

"Though this is a novella, it is well thought out and excellently written. The characters have depth, with a heart and soul kind of feel. It titillates the imagination into an explosion of color and sound that deafens the world of reality. The descriptive powers of Yolanda Sfetsos are amazingly crisp and leave you scrambling to find more of her work. In my humble opinion this is a definite must have for the collection." 5 Flowers, Coale, My Book Cravings.

"After reading Blood Chase I found myself thinking that appearances are not always what they seem. At first, I was thrown into an event that appeared to be a simple hunt between a human and a vampire. But there is truly nothing simple about this book or the way things are laid out. Grace is a strong beauty and one of the few humans who know that vampires truly exist from personal experience. Dixon is handsome, determined, and persistent. The two have a connection that is stronger and deeper than you can imagine. Yolanda Sfetsos is a wonderful storyteller who grabbed my attention from the first paragraph. And then reversed everything I thought was happening with a few brief lines. The plot, characters, and setting were perfectly blended and added significantly to the story. It all allowed me to stand next to Grace screaming for her to run. Blood Chase kept me on the edge of my seat, and fans of the genre will find this book to be a wonderful treat." 4 Angels, NeNe, Fallen Angel Reviews.

"This is an interesting tale about the end of the world. Is Luci the Devil’s daughter? Or is she just a helpless victim in the machination of a religious cult? You’ll have to read to find out! It is well told and an entertaining read. A story I would not hesitate to share. It has humor, drama, and a well rounded cast! It’s definitely a well thought out plot! Valentine’s Beast will surprise and delight, so sit back and enjoy!" 5 Flowers, Coale, My Book Cravings.

All of these made me smile. :)

Well, I guess it's time to get back to it. Enjoy your week!



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Great-Review Squee!

I'm anxiously awaiting the first review for my latest release, MASTERS OF ILLUSION, but in the meantime, I just received a fabulous one for DOUBLE TAKE!

A great big thank you to Dawnie for the wonderful review!

Double Take is a sensually touching story. The complex yearnings of Fallon are a potent blend of sexual awakenings. Kade and Zane are pure sex on legs and they do not disappoint in any way. The chemistry among the three characters is stunning. I found myself immersed completely into the story. This is a hot one. Ms. Taylor has written a well rounded and captivating story. I eagerly await more from this talented author.

5 Angels!

Read the rest of the review HERE.

Made my week.

BTW, is it just me, or is this summer flying by? I can hardly believe July is almost over. In one way, I'm glad (kids home, bored, bickering, argh!) but in another I'm slightly depressed. I love summer. I love sun. I love fresh air and the smell of grass, the buzz of cicadas...

Wicked-hot erotic fiction

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Dating Scene...

Yeah, I know I'm married but I have a few friends who aren't. I live vicariously through their stories. From the guy who took my friend to the Monkey Bar and was hitting on the waitresses in bunny, monkey, and elephant unitards. Then he drove home after trying to tongue her down. Ummm....that was their first and last date.

So when Changeling Press let it be known that they were looking for short hot stories for their Summer Heat Wave series, I knew what material I had to use.

I also like to do Super Heroes...or people with extrodinary powers. So a Super who is new to the dating scene was my inspiration. And hey if you haven't read me this is the perfect book to try to wet your whistle ...so to speak.

Isis Jones is a woman plagued by her new powers. Every time she gets aroused her body drops to subzero temps. Do you know how hard it is to have sex when your body freezes your vibrators? Let’s not even mention how fast your boyfriend drops you when you give him frostbite of the cock. She's desperate. Desperate enough to use a speed dating service to find a man who can withstand sex with her. Kenneth Strong, aka Fire, can withstand her icy passion. And he has every intention of showing her just how hot sex with him can get.

Check it out Aug 1st. 2008

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Cover Squee!

The Pentacles of Magick series continues with The Healing, Book 3 of the series. The book is scheduled to release on August 18th and I now have my pretty cover and blurb. The Pentacles of Magick series is available at Phaze

Tell me what you think.



Dennison Scott is destined to succumb to his dark magick unless he finds and takes his empathic mate, a female born into the prophecy. But this earth witch has already forged a bond with his current lover, Jake that he has no intention of breaking. Curse or no curse.

When both Denn and Jake begin to fantasize about a dark-haired witch, the real trouble begins.

Raven is a witch and a bounty hunter willing to sell her power to the highest bidder, even the enemy. Until she tried to kill one of the Scott twins which left her on the brink of death. Now with her magick bound and captive to two men, she is more vulnerable than ever and she has to decide whether to trust in the impossible or fight for the life she thought she was destined for.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

The Excitement is Building...

Come next week, with luck, I'll be blogging from San Francisco and the RWA National convention. I'm soooo excited and still wondering if the opportunity will be snatched out from under me by my daughter's doctor's appointments. But, I'm keeping a positive attitude and crossing every appendage I have.

I just got my Vistaprint bookmarks to take for the goodie room at RWA. I did ones for my books Postcards from the Dead and for The Vampire Oracle: Chalice. They turned out wonderful and I can't wait to start giving them away (okay, I already did distribute a few...I snuck them into books at my local B&N, the grocery store, the drug store, and WalMart - where ever books are sold -- snicker)

In between promo'ing The Vampire Oracle: Chalice on every yahoo loop I can find, I managed to sneak in the creation of a book trailer. These are fun to make and even more fun to make your friends watch. So, click at your own risk - and hope you enjoy!

Have a great Friday!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

On The Plane (xPost)

We're in the airport on the way home. Even with our flight delayed I couldn't be happier to be on my way back to Colorado. And it's not because I think Colorado is so fabulous (can't stand the place) but...MY BED IS THERE! I totally loved vacation but there's no place like your own home, your own bed, your own bathroom, your own kitchen, etc.

I saw that Lauren has a new book called FATED - be sure to pick it up. The Cascadia Series rocks! Shelley also has some pretty cool things hitting the shelves, too. I love her Middlemarch Mates series.

And for me, it's 5 days and counting until HATSEPT HEAT, Vampire Council of Ethics Book 3 comes along! Can't wait!!!

My plane will be boarding shorly, so I'm off to gather all my crap together. I pack like I"m going on a month-long trip or something - geesh, who needs so many clothes for a one week trip? Anyway, catch ya'll later ;D


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Videos & Movies

So, you know what I've been doing lately? Well, I've been doing a lot of things, lol. But what I want to talk about is Book Trailers. Do you like watching them? Do you like making them? Do they make you want to buy a certain book? I'm actually taking part in the Cobblestone Press Book Video Blog Tour at the moment, and I'm posting a different video by a different author every day over at my blog. You should check it out. :D

Of course, I'm one of those authors and in the last week I've actually made 5 different videos. It's a lot of fun, trying to pick the right pics to go with what you're trying to say about your story. So, would you like to see one of them?

This is the one I made for my Best-Selling novella, GUARDED BY STONE:

What do you think? Personally, I'm very proud of it. Like I said, I had a lot of fun putting it together and still want to make several more.

Speaking of promo, I've got a contest going over HERE. All you have to do is leave a comment about my post. Very easy, and it won't close until the 18th of next mont. So, if you like winning things, you might want to check it out. :)

Oh, have you guys seen DARK KNIGHT yet? The hubby and I went to watch it yesterday and all I've got to say is, WOW! Talk about treading into the dark. This movie just got darker and darker by the scene. I loved it! I'm also loving the super hero movies, and it looks like there are still quite a few to come. Hey, that's fine with me, bring them on!



Monday, July 21, 2008

Does the world need another super hero?

Have you noticed that there have been a lot more super hero related movies and books lately? I know in romance I've seen quite a few.

So are super heroes the new vampires? Everything changes, evolves to put one thing on top of the food chart and practically make another disappear.

Vamps and superheroes aren't that different from each other. Both have extraordinary strength but still have a weakness that makes them vulnerable. Both can have a secret that can intrigue and draw a person in.

What super heroes have that vamps don't have is what I call the total good/good. Well, the majority of the time they do. There is no draw back or anything that is half good about a super hero. Their mythos isn't rooted in evil like the vampires is. Sure there are good vampires and bad but originally even the good ones normally have started off evil.

Take Angel (Angelus) for example. He was a killing machine until the gypsies returned his soul.

And Louis, he was pretty bad for the human pop until Claudia came along.

With super heroes, there isn't a need for them to be reformed. Well, Hancock excluded. Superman, Batman, and the like are all pretty wholesome and Captain Savey from the beginning. So shouldn't that make them less appealing? At least for me it does, especially in romance.

So what do you guys think?


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hancock....or the romance that's not a romance

I will not spoil the movie for you. I won't tell you the ending but I will say that it is more of a romance than anything else.

Watching this movie raised a question for me.

When is being mates not enough?

I mean we all love our romances. Our soul mates. But when is destiny just not enough. I mean if you read a romance where the hero or heroine did not end up with their supposed mate would you throw it against the wall.

I find the idea intriguing. I mean I'm not saying that they don't find love...but they don't find it with each other.

Let me know your thoughts...how do you feel about romances that might not end with the hero and heroine together..


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Brazen Excerpt

Things aren’t always what they seem, especially in Eden...


Alex slung the bag over one shoulder and took a last look around. The only picture she had of her with her father caught her eye. After a second’s hesitation, she stuck it into the side pocket of her backpack. He’d always insisted that a paper picture was worth more than the digital kind.

She headed toward the side door and pushed it open. The metal still felt hot to the touch from entering the atmosphere. A rush of cool air struck her face, and she enjoyed the way it caressed her curls away from her face. The sweat that had built up beneath her clothes cooled her as it dried.

For a second, she cursed herself for being so stupid. She’d opened the door without a moment’s hesitation. What if she’d needed an oxygen mask on this planet? For all she knew, there could have been some poisonous gas in the air.

She shook her head, disgusted at her absentminded manner.

Alex stepped outside but couldn’t find firm ground below her feet. She tumbled forward, flying through the air as her hands clawed to grab at the branches that struck her face and body on the way down.

When she finally landed, it was on top of something that made a sound and collapsed beneath her.

Alex felt the undeniable beating of another’s heart as she scrambled to lift her body upward with both hands. Her eyes met the blazing green ones of a dark-haired man who lay underneath her. Alex had his hips pinned with hers as her legs straddled him. Their noses were only centimeters from touching as the stranger stared at her with wide eyes, and so many questions buried in that one single look.

His hands held her arms down.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“You fell out of the sky,” the guy returned. He seemed amazed, as if a miracle had just occurred. “Were you sent to me by the Almighty?”

“No, I was sent to you by the tree.”

“What do you mean?”

Alex lifted her chest off his and sat back on his hips to gaze down at the man. His hands slipped off her arms as she took in every detail. He was muscular, in the same athletic way as Ulric. Muscles bulged from his arms like he spent hours at some sort of gym. Though, by the looks of the jungle around them, Alex wondered if this was some sort of rural civilization. Maybe his muscles were from manual labor, a thought that surprisingly aroused her.

Think of Ulric, she told herself. With this hunk stuck beneath her, there was no way she could think about anyone else.

“I fell out of the tree,” Alex finally answered. “My ship’s up there. I crash-landed here.”

His eyes were shiny. “I watched the fireball descend, but wasn’t sure if it was a ship or a meteor. We rarely have any visitors here.”

“Where is here, by the way?”

“Welcome to the planet of Eden.”

PROMISE IN EDEN is now available here.



Monday, July 14, 2008

When Inspiration Strikes...

So, if there is one thing that I've learned about being a writer--well, it's that inspiration can and will strike anywhere, and anytime.

On Friday night, I went to see the new Hellboy 2 movie--by the time the previews were over, I had four different novel ideas floating around in my head. Sometimes, it just takes an image to inspire me. A scene shot that captures my imagination. Or, in the case of the Babylon A.D. preview that I watched--it just took the deep rumble of Vin Diesel's voice to spark an idea.

And I love getting story ideas--don't get me wrong. I just wish those ideas would come to me at a more convenient time. Like, oh, when I had a piece of paper and a pen handy.

As long as the ideas stay with me until I get to my computer, I'm fine. I have my handy-dandy "Idea File" that I can log 'em in. I started my Idea File years ago. Back when I realized I had plenty of ideas, but not necessarily enough time to turn all of those ideas into stories. So, I started logging them in the file. Gotta say--the file is a great way to beat writer's block. If one story isn't working for me, I can open the file and give my mind a break by working on something completely different.

Ah, the joy of writing.

But, since I've just rambled on about my inspiration, I'd love to know...what inspires you?

I hope everyone has a great week! Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back in Louisiana

In my new story that is. Since this is a continuity series the 4th and final book in the Pentacles of Magick series picks up pretty much right where book 3 left off. In that book we ended in New Orleans and in book 4 we start there but quickly make our way deep into the bayou. For a witch and a half demon on the run, it seems like the perfect place to hide.

Now I have never been in the swamps of Louisiana or anywhere else in Louisiana for that matter so I am doing a lot of research trying to immerse myself in the region. I've watched movies, read books, looked up everything I can on the internet and still I want more.

Since I don't have time for a quick trip to Louisiana just for this book I have decided that when I go home to Florida next week, i'm going to ride out to one of the fish camps and take myself an airboat ride through some of the wilder sections of Florida. Gator Country. lol

Not exactly the same but somewhat close. Should be interesting...When I get back from Florida on the 26th, i'll have to share some pics.

so thats what's on my mind this weekend, what about you?

If you have been to the swamps of Louisiana I would love to talk to you.


Friday, July 11, 2008

TGIF and a new release (one week late)

I had the opportunity to travel to Maryland to spend the 4th of July with family. It was so cool to be in the exact spot(s) where history was made at the time we were celebrating the nation's independance.

We did the monument tour and stopped by the Holocaust museum. We also had the opportunity to go to the B&O Train museum and Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

The Harbor is a great place, but I was most impressed with the three-story Barnes and Noble. Wow! I wasn't feeling very well the day we were there, so I had a good excuse to lurk inside an air-conditioned building and sip lemonade. I'm sure after I left the employees thought they'd been hit by a poltergeist though....I did some (ahem) creative restocking while I was there. I hunted up my friend's books and moved them to empty slots on the end caps to proudly display their covers.

Speaking of books, I missed announcing my new release last week. So, I'll pimp it right now!

The Vampire Oracle: Chalice

Reclusive vampire Sapphire McKenzie lives in her penthouse apartment with fortress-like security run by her AI computer, Van. She’s been hailed as the greatest armchair detective since Mycroft Holmes and has solved every case she’s ever been asked to investigate – and even some she hasn’t.

Her ex-lover, Drake Chastain, is a retired basketball star living off his fame and fortune until women he’s dated begin disappearing, then reappearing…dead.. With Drake framed for murder, Sapphire has to leave behind the safety of her home to save the man she loves…or die trying.

Available Now at Cobblestone Press

And we could use a little of Yolanda's cold weather. Here in the high desert of California, it hit 114 degrees earlier this week and is supposed to be a scorcher again today.

So...stay cool (or warm)!

Ericka Scott


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dating Sites (xPost)

I'm just curious how many people have tried a dating site. I know I've talked to at least two or three personal friends who met their husbands through Match.com. I'd love to know what the experience was like for anyone who's tried dating this way.

I checked into eHarmony but, uh, they rejected me. Can you believe they actually said that I'm too nice and so balanced that people tend to think I'm too good to be true, so they couldn't possibly match a person like me. Now is that ri-damned-diculous or what? LOL!

I'm actually considering a service called "It's Just Lunch" because frankly I haven't dated in so long I don't even know where to go to meet a quality person, let alone find a date. Gah, I had no idea how expensive it could be to get someone to match you up to have coffee with a person! And even though I'm not looking for a husband (dinner and a movie suits me just fine, thank you) do I really want to pay to be set up? On the other hand, if I want to meet someone that I don't mind actually being in the same room with, perhaps paying is the way to go?

What do you think? By the way, here's some facts from the It's Just Lunch website. Some of 'em are interesting. Take number 6 for example. It this is true, they sure don't seem to be in Colorado!:

1) 11: The number of single friends the average 27 year old has.

2) 76% of Men: Prefer brunettes over blondes.

3) Wednesday: The best day for a first date according to 41% of singles.

4) One Hour: The time it takes for a woman to determine whether or not she wants to see a man again.

5) 15 Minutes: The time it takes for a man to determine whether or not he wants to see a woman again.

6) 110 Million: The number of single adults in the United States.

7) 43% of Singles: Have Googled someone on the internet before their date.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Release & It's so cold today!

When Alex Wales crashes her ship onto a planet that isn’t supposed to exist, the last thing she expected to find was an alluring man. Now, Cody’s having an emotional and physical effect on her she can’t resist.

Even if she knows she can’t stay on his planet...

Well, this is the gorgeous cover for my first Sci-Fi novella, PROMISE IN EDEN. It also happens to be my first Brazen release with Cobblestone Press. So, that's double the excitement.

Isn't it beautiful? What's absolutely fabulous about this cover -- asides from the fact it's beautiful, of course -- is that Sable captured the heroine, Alex Wales, so well. I swear, she looks exactly how I imagined her. And not just that, but the background also reflects the surroundings in Eden.

I've always enjoyed Sci-Fi stories. In fact, one of my most favourite novels is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. I loved it! And it inspired me to write my own Sci-Fi novel. That was years ago and well, let's just say that it'll never see the light of day, but I had a great time writing it. Just as I enjoyed writing this novella. Alex is a strong chick with an unstable past and a job that she actually enjoys. Not to mention her ship, Promise. She loves that old rust bucket. But in this story, she's got plenty of other things to deal with.

Anyway, I hope you'll check it out. It'll be available later this week. On July 11, to be precise. I'll also be attending the release chat @ 7pm Central. :) So feel free to drop in and say hi!

Oh gosh, it's so cold here today. When my daughter and I went for a walk, the wind felt like ice. Yikes! I don't like cold weather. I don't like winter. I can't wait for summer to come back, but then that'll mean that you guys will be in winter. Lol.

Anyway, I think it's time for me to sign out. I've been spending way too much time online this week. Lol. Hope you all have a great week!



Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am art...and a free workshop

For those who've never met me or read my bio, I'm pretty much your typical suburban wife and mother. I usually spend my weekends cleaning the house, grocery shopping, running errands. But this weekend's "errand" was not typical.

I went to a tattoo shop and became walking, talking art.

And while I was there, several other customers arrived. The vast majority of them were just like me--suburbanites in their late 30's or early 40's. Women. Many of them getting their first tattoos.

It seems tattoos have become quite the popular accessory for the 30 and 40-something crowd.

I find that very interesting, and I wonder if it's just a local thing or more widespread. Do you have a tattoo? Have you noticed more people with tattoos? Are they more acceptable or mainstream? Do you think media has anything to do with it? We see so many television and movie stars with tattoos. There are reality shows about tattoo shops...

Anyway, enough about that.

I also wanted to forward some information about a free writing workshop for anyone who might be interested:

Am I hot or not? Erotic Romance VS. Erotica. Q&A with Liquid Silver Acquiring Editor, Tina Burns.

All day July 12th at Romance Divas

Tina Burns

How do you know if you’ve crossed into the Erotica zone? Get a professional’s opinion. It will take place at the Romance Diva Forum. All are welcome. To get access to the forum you will need to register. The workshop will be in the “Steamy” section of the forum which requires permission from the admin. Details are HERE.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Trip down Sunnydale Lane

So the past couple of days I've had some extra time on my hands and what did I choose to do with this free time?

I watched the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, of course. I haven't written much paranormal lately, though I do have a couple planned, so I feel a little more comfortable watching. I didn't before before I didn't want anyone else's world building to influence me.

Don't get me wrong, I've always been a BTVS fan. From the very beginning, almost to the end. And like many out there I'm a big Joss Whedon fan too.

I have many favorite episodes but I discovered another fav. And that just might be because of my own personal evolution.

Does anyone remember where the Scooby gang knows Faith is on the edge and about to topple over and Xander goes to talk to her?

Remember the scene when Angel is trying to stage and intervention?

Faith: Finally decided to tie me up, huh?
I always knew you weren't really a one slayer guy.

Angel: Sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you. Actually, it is that I don't trust you.

Faith: That thing with Xander, I know what it looked like, but we were just playing.

Angel: And he forgot the safety word? Is that it?

Faith: Safety words are for wusses.

Angel: I bet you're not big on trust games, now are you Faith?

Faith: You gonna shrink me now? Is that it?

Angel: No, I just wanna talk to you.

Faith: That's what they all say. Then it's just let me stay the night. Won't try anything.

Angel: You wanna go the long way around? Hey, I can do that. I'm not getting any older.

So what's your favorite episode and why?


Saturday, July 5, 2008

One of those weekends...

It's a holiday weekend and i'm taking advantage of the quiet internet and mostly quiet house (kids are gone for a month to Florida) to get some projects done and out the door.

I've made a lot of progress on my latest novella when lo and behold I received edits last night from my editor. Ack!

So today has been writing, editing and revisions on a completed project that needed cleaning.


One new thing I did besides write is join Twitter. sighs... I swore I would not join another social network. MySpace and Facebook take up so much time, but alas I am weak and was sucked in. So if you would like to check me out there and follow my news there please visit me at http://twitter.com/elizagaylebooks

What are you doing this holiday weekend?


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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Whatcha Waiting For?

IT'S HERE!!! Serati's Flame (Vampire Council of Ethics Book 2) hit the shelves in print last week. This book got kick-A reviews and if you haven't already picked it up I know you're going to love it! Check out my bookshelf to purchase this book, and to see the whole kitten caboddle of awesome reads.

5 Hearts, Sensuality Rating: Explicit @ The Romance Studio, Contessa said, "This fantastic story is just as good and dangerously exciting as its predecessor. This plot will fulfill your gratification for scorching, hot sexual encounters all while satisfying your hunger for non-stop action. Alaan and Tamath are the perfect mates for each other – both are persistent, strong-minded and have alpha-type personalities. These combinations make for some electrifying interactions between the couple both in sexual and combat arenas. Readers, you will not be disappointed with this flaming novel. I, for one, am eagerly looking forward to Ms. Michael next wildly, thrilling book within the Vampire Council of Ethics series."

Stay tuned because Book 3, Hatsept Heat, is coming next month... CAN'T WAIT! Woot!!

Speaking of upcoming, I'm eagerly anticipating releases by some of my favorite authors, such as Shelley Munro, Lauren Dane, Tuesday Morrigan, Eve Vaughn, Stephanie 'Flashycat' Burke (who's been telling me she's working on a certian series, a-hem! *tj poking Flash with a stick*), Jet Mykles next Dark Elves book. There are quite a few more I'm looking out for, too.

Leave a comment - I'd love to know what you're reading right now and which books you're looking forward to getting your hands on. I may need to add them to my own TBR list, which is reaching million dollar proportions!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stuff & Free Stuff

Hi again! How's everyone's week going? Mine's been pretty productive so far. Since I popped in here last week, I've completed the third/final edits for two different stories - SANDY SHORE (CP) and MOON CHASE (FP). I'm very excited about both of them. Not sure about release dates, though.

I also finished the third draft for my novel. So, I even managed to meet my self-imposed deadline of finishing it by the end of June. The word count rose a little more. It ended up @ 86,846 words.

So, I'm going to dedicate the rest of the week to catching up on a bunch of stuff. I've fallen behind on a bit. Today I filled out some forms I owed to one of my publishers, put together my July newsletter, set up an LJ account and even managed to get caught up with my blogging. Phew. I've still got a few other things I'd like to get done before the end of the week.

But anyway, lately, I've been finding a lot of free stuff over the internet. And by free stuff, I mean free eBooks. They're a fantastic promo idea, and I intend to offer some myself soon - if I can work out how to make a cover. Lol. But anyway, if you visited my blog on Friday, I mentioned a few things there.

The other day, while checking out some blogs, I stumbled on this. If you sign up here, you can get a free download of the Sherrilyn Kenyon book, Seize the Night. Now, I have to admit that I've never read anything by Sherrilyn but I've heard great things about her. So, I'm looking forward to reading this. Oh, and also, if you go here and sign up with Tor.com, you'll get a free download every week. I've gotten two already.

Both of these offers are definitely worth taking up. I hope you check them out.



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How would you like to be teased?

Savage Garden: Flesh To Flesh
by Tawny Taylor
cover art by Bryan Keller
ISBN (13): 978-1-60521-006-3
Genre(s): Paranormal
Theme(s): Magic and Mayhem, Gay and Lesbian
Series: Savage Garden
Length: Novella

In a savage garden dwells a dark magic…

In a matter of minutes, Dr. Noble Cavanaugh’s life is ruined. A stupid mistake costs an innocent woman her life and leaves her child an orphan. As she dies, she calls upon a powerful mage, demanding justice for Noble’s crime.

There are no police. No trial. No jury. Only the worst kind of punishment for the former doctor -- total isolation. From all human contact. From the world. From light and sound and touch. From life.

But once every year Noble is freed from his prison, and he spends three bittersweet days with his devoted partner and lover, Sayer Lyon. They touch. Laugh. And weep. And then at sunrise, he returns to his prison to wait another year for the fall equinox.

This is how it’s been for five years, and this is how it will be for many more. At least, that’s what Noble and Sayer both think.

This year things will be different.

In a savage garden lies a man’s only hope for redemption.



“Mrs. Wickham is complaining again. She says the baby’s coming, and she needs to push.”

Dr. Noble Cavanaugh swallowed a growl of frustration, gave Adam, the young, hot intern he’d been chatting with, a don’t-go-anywhere look and did a one-eighty to face the nurse behind him. Maryanne was fresh out of nursing school and thus lacking the experience to know Mrs. Wickham couldn’t possibly be ready to deliver. She meant well, but she was driving him nuts, coming to him every few minutes with a question or concern or problem. “Mrs. Wickham is a first-time mother, and she was at two centimeters when I checked her a half hour ago. Any other signs that her labor’s progressing?”

“Nope.” Maryanne glanced down at the chart. “Contractions are still three minutes apart, and the baby’s heart rate’s steady.”

Noble checked his pager. Eight hours to go. Eight more loooong hours. “Okay, then I’ll be in to check on her in a half hour. Page me if anything changes. I’m going to run down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat.”

“Will do.” Chart clutched to her chest, Maryanne ran off. Noble waited for her to round the corner before he turned back toward the intern.

Mmmm, mmmm.

Adam was beyond tempting, with his fierce body, picture-perfect face -- which haunted Noble’s dreams every fucking night -- brilliant mind, and promising future. Noble had noticed the intern right away. He wasn’t the only one. Every nurse on the floor had too. Patients. Staff. The kid left a wake of heated smiles trailing behind him every time he walked down a hallway.

And damn if Adam didn’t know he was hot too. That cocky I-know-I-got-it attitude only made the guy that much more tempting. Since the first day Adam stepped into Mercer Hospital and caused all kinds of scandal, Noble longed to shove the intern to his knees and wipe that grin off his face. A third-year resident with a stellar record and promising future himself, Noble had always kept his sex life separate from work, for a number of reasons. But guys like Adam made it a hell of a challenge.

He glanced at his pager again. It was going to be one long effing night. “Where are you headed tonight?”

Adam shrugged, giving Noble a look that said wherever you want. “Why? You want me to go down to the cafeteria with you? Or did you have something else in mind?”

“Mrs. Wickham is the only patient in Labor and Delivery right now. And I told Maryanne I’d be back in a half hour… Oh, hell!” Unable to resist the temptation, Noble yanked open the supply closet door. “Come here.” He caught Adam’s wrist, jerked him inside, slammed the door, and pivoting, crushed Adam’s body against it.

Adam tilted his head up, giving Noble a seductive half-smile, and Noble’s willpower snapped. He crushed his mouth over Adam’s, gliding his tongue across the intern’s lips, and ground his hips against Adam’s leg.

The intern opened his mouth, suckling Noble’s tongue, and slid his hands between their bodies to cup the bulge in Noble’s pants.

“Oh fuck, yes.” A hungry moan swept up Noble’s throat.